The Ultimate Lucky Personal Family Numbers, Randomize Machine Although your birth date numbers are of greatest importance -- numerologically speaking -- other personal numbers can also be lucky. You can use any significant anniversary in your life, such as a wedding. Family members' birthdays are also significant to you, since your life is most certainly intertwined with theirs. Don't always end up with the same numbers Your 12 Lucky Lottery Number Calculators are here: Lucky Numbers 4U . Creative Commons

Calculate your birth date - Lucky Number !

Tell me my lucky number, I hear you cry!

We all have one, that much I guess you already know.

But how does anyone work that out with a degree of accuracy?

If it is a number as opposed to a lucky anything else that you are after then it makes sense that you ask a Numerologist.

Our thing is all things numerological so we know what we are talking about!

There is a little bit of very easy maths to do first but then I can tell you a snippet of your potential and a list of those all important digits for you.

First we have to work out your Destiny number which can be worked out by adding the whole of your date of birth together and then reducing it to a single digit ( unless it comes to 11 or 22 - leave these as double digits as they're Master Numbers)

For example - 19th January 1952 becomes:

1+9+1+1+9+5+2=28/2+8=1 (One)

Now consult the following Destiny number list to find out more.

1= Independent, Original, A Leader

1,10,19,28,37,46,55,64,73,82,91 etc

2= A follower, Co-operative, Helpful

2,11,20,29,38,47,56,65,74,83,92 etc

3=Intelligent, Lucky, Excellent communicator

3,12,21,30,39,48,57,66,75,84,93 etc

4= Hard-working, Methodical, Loyal

4,13,22,31,40,49,58,67,76,85,94 etc

5=Versatile, Quick-witted, Attractive

5,14,23,32,41,50,59,68,77,86,95 etc

6=Loving, Domesticated, Responsible

6,15,24,33,42,51,60,69,78,87,96 etc

7= Wise, Analytical, Spiritual

7,16,25,34,43,52,61,70,79,88,97 etc

8=Authoritative, Good at making money, Businesslike

8,17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80,89,98 etc

9= Humanitarian, Compassionate, Strong

9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90,99 etc

11=Intuitive, Visionary, Inspiring

2,11,20,29,38,47,56,65,74,83,92 etc

22= Practical and intelligent with a Universal outlook.

4,13,22,31,40,49,58,67,76,85,94 etc

Use these numbers in your everyday life to bring you luck.

Apart from that; you too, now have the knowledge to answer somebody when you hear them cry" Tell me my lucky number!"

(Article Source:

Creative Commons

Your eleven Lucky Lottery Number Generators are here: LuckyNumbers 4U.

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