
The Ultimate Lucky Personal Family Numbers, Randomize Machine Although your birth date numbers are of greatest importance -- numerologically speaking -- other personal numbers can also be lucky. You can use any significant anniversary in your life, such as a wedding. Family members' birthdays are also significant to you, since your life is most certainly intertwined with theirs. Don't always end up with the same numbers Your 12 Lucky Lottery Number Calculators are here: Lucky Numbers 4U . Creative Commons

Time Travel To The Future

Anytime you need to be happier, just do some time travel. It’s that simple. I know what you’re thinking: He’s finally gone insane. No, I’m not crazy. And you don’t need a time machine. You’re just going to use your imagination. But scientific research shows this is a great way to immediately increase happiness. You can do it anywhere and it doesn’t cost anything. Research shows happiness is all about where you put your attention. And shifting your attention to the past, the future or even the present — can boost happiness. Still sound silly? Stay with me. You do unhappy time travel all too frequently. When you are overcome with regret, you’re turning your attention to negative elements of the past. When you worry, you’re thinking about an unpleasant future. But we can also use mental time travel to get the best out of life. Here are three ways, why they work, and quick tips to use them to put a smile on your face. 1) Time Travel To The Future! It’s as simple as anticipation

This will make you happy !

This will make you happy !   1) Take Recess Most of what we do all day is "instrumental." What's that mean? It gets something done. It's practical. It achieves a goal. But these days we seem to be doing more and more that's instrumental and a lot less that's just fun . 2) Switch Autopilot On You spend 40% of the day on autopilot, engaging in habits, not actual decisions. 3) Unshackle Yourself Do less. Really, you can 4) Cultivate Relationships Christine pulls a quote I love from the wonderful book Triumphs of Experience: ...there are two pillars of happiness revealed by the seventy-five-year-old Grant Study…. One is love. The other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away. 5) Tolerate Some Discomfort Many of us come home from work and think, "I just want to sit down and do nothing." And that's understandable if you're overworked and burned out. But "doing nothing" is really

Buy Happiness !

How to Buy Happiness: The Purchases Most Likely to Bring You Joy While true happiness may be something that can only be found in the heart, there are plenty of arguments that say money can actually buy you some happiness here and there. Here are some of the ways experts say it's possible to write a check and make it out to your happiness.  It's certainly hard to measure happiness, of course. There's no point system or way to accurately measure the happiness flowing through your bloodstream, and happiness is an emotion that can mean different things for different people, so keep that in mind as you read on. That said, buying happiness all comes down to how you spend your money. It could be a new album from your favorite artist, a trip to somewhere you've longed to travel to, or just a cold beer at the end of a long day. This guide won't unlock the secret to true happiness in your life—whatever that may entail for you—but it will provide some ideas on how to g

Things about how to be happy

Things about how to be happy Start learning to be more human again. – Gadgets are great, but they can get in the way if you aren’t careful.  Control them so they don’t control you.  In other words, put down the phone.  Don’t avoid eye contact.  Don’t hide behind a screen.  Ask about people’s stories.  Listen.  And smile together. Start filtering out the noise in your life. – Be careful about who you give the microphone and stage to in your life.  Don’t just listen to the loudest voice.  Listen to the truest one. Start choosing differently, for your own well-being. – A big part of your life is a result of the little choices you make every day.  If you don’t like some part of your life, it’s time to start tweaking things and making better choices, right now, right where you are. Start being way more productive than you are busy. – There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive.  Don’t confuse motion and progress.  A rocking horse keeps moving but never makes

How to get Happy

Happy people : They devote a great amount of time to their family and friends, nurturing and enjoying those  relationships. They are comfortable expressing gratitude for all they have. They are often the first to offer helping hands to coworkers and passersby. They practice optimism when imagining their futures. They savor life’s pleasures and try to live in the present moment. They make physical exercise a weekly and even daily habit. They are deeply committed to lifelong goals and ambitions (e.g., fighting fraud, building  cabinets, or teaching their children their deeply held values). Last but not least, the happiest people do have their share of stresses, crises, and even  tragedies. They may become just as distressed and emotional in such circumstances as you or I,  but their secret weapon is the poise and strength they show in coping in the face of challenge or , 1. Practice mindfulness. Be in the moment. Instead of worrying about your checkup tomorrow  while

How to be Happy..

They really do take time to appreciate the little things. How to be Happy: Savoring small, positive moments throughout the day can make a big difference in overall happiness: Flourishing—a state of optimal mental health—has been linked to a host of benefits for the individual and society, including fewer workdays lost and the lowest incidence of chronic physical conditions. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether and how routine activities promote flourishing.  The authors proposed that flourishers thrive because they capitalize on the processes featured in the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, specifically by experiencing greater positive emotional reactivity to pleasant events and building more resources over time. To test these hypotheses, the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) was administered to a prescreened community sample of adults (n = 208), and they were recontacted two to three months later.  Results showed that relative to those who did not flo

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